- What is Puppeteer
- Install puppeteer
- First automation by puppeteer
- Smart wait for elements
- Getting page URL
- Getting page title
- Browser configuration
- Applying mocha with puppeteer
- HTML page element access by puppeteer
- puppeteer left click, double click, and right-click on button
- Puppeteer click on checkbox and radio button
- Type in textbox
- Clear text from textbox
- Select option from dropdown
- Get text from page
- Data scrapping from HTML table
- Handling multiple tab and windows
- Handling alert
- Handling Iframe
- Accessing keyboard
- Keyboard press enter
- Keyboard press backspace
- Keyboard press left/right/up/down arrow
- File Upload
- File Download
- Practice Form
- Take screenshot
- Assertion with chai
- Convert to Page Object Model (POM)
- Taking screenshot while test failed
- Generate Report