
  1. What is Puppeteer
  2. Install puppeteer
  3. First automation by puppeteer
    1. Smart wait for elements
    2. Getting page URL
    3. Getting page title
    4. Browser configuration
  4. Applying mocha with puppeteer
  5. HTML page element access by puppeteer
    1. puppeteer left click, double click, and right-click on button
    2. Puppeteer click on checkbox and radio button
    3. Type in textbox
    4. Clear text from textbox
    5. Select option from dropdown
    6. Get text from page
    7. Data scrapping from HTML table
    8. Handling multiple tab and windows
    9. Handling alert
    10. Handling Iframe
    11. Accessing keyboard
      1. Keyboard press enter
      2. Keyboard press backspace
      3. Keyboard press left/right/up/down arrow
    12. File Upload
    13. File Download
    14. Practice Form
    15. Take screenshot
    16. Assertion with chai
  6. Convert to Page Object Model (POM)
  7. Taking screenshot while test failed
  8. Generate Report