Step by step testing with postman :: Part 2

Export Collection: Way 1

Now click on the […] button besides your collection

Click on Share collection

Click on “Get public link” button

Then you will get a link. This link you can share with anybody and h/she can import the collection

Export Collection: Way 2

Click on the […] button besides your collection

Click on Export button and save to your local disk.

Now anybody can import the collection

Export Environment

Same way, you can export the environment and then save to your local disk where you saved the collection.

Import Collection

Go to collection tab.

Click on Import button

Switch to Link tab and paste the link you just generated.

Click on Continue button and then Import

You will see the whole collection has been imported. Any body can import your collection this way.

Import Environment

Go to Environment tab

Click on Import button

Locate the environment file you just exported.

Now the importer can call any API

Run Collection

Select your collection and you will see a tab named Run. Click on there.

You will see Iteration is set by default 1 which means the whole test will run for 1 time.

Click on “Run Customer API Testing” button

Run collection using Newman

Create a folder named Customer_API_Testing

Open the blank folder with VS code

Open the command prompt and hit the command:

npm init -y

It will generate package.json file

Install newman by giving this command in cmd

npm i newman

you will see that newman has been installed and showing the package name at package.json file under dependencies tag

Now create a folder named collection

Now, export collection and environment from postman. Save it to the “collection” folder you just created

Make sure, when saving the collection and environment files, there should not contain any space within the file name. You can fillup the space (if any) with underscore_

For example, postman collection file name is, customer_api_collection.json and environment file name is customer_api_env.json

Now give this command:

npx newman run .\collection\customer_api_collection.json -e .\collection\customer_api_env.json -n 1

This command means, newman will run your collection using the environment file for 1 time.


HTML report generate using Newman

Install following package by this command:

npm i newman-reporter-htmlextra

Now create another file named report.js

copy paste following code:

const newman = require('newman');{
    collection: require('./collection/customer_api_collection.json'), // pointing to local JSON file.
    environment: require('./collection/customer_api_env.json'), // pointing to local env file
    iterationCount: 1,
    reporters: 'htmlextra',
    reporter: {
        htmlextra: {
            export: './Reports/report.html', // If not specified, the file will be written to `newman/` in the current working directory.
}, function (err) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    console.log('collection run complete!');

Now create a folder named Reports. If you do not create this folder, the report will be generate to a new folder named ‘newman’ in current working directory.

Then go to the package file and update “test” value under scripts as:
“node report.js”

Now hit this command:

npm test

You will see a html report named report.html will be generate in Reports folder

Now reveal the folder and open the html file

You will see the result in a html report

Get API collection from here:

Here is the full project:

about author


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